
Composite Image

    I chose a portrait of me and a picture taken from the top of a mountain I had just climbed during the summer looking out over the water and other scenery. I have loved nature and hiking ever since I was very little. By combining these images its like I am combining myself with nature. It is almost as if I am on top of the mountain looking out over all of the gorgeous scenery. In my image, the lighter parts of the background where the sky and water are seem to highlight my hair and tone of my face.  The overlapping puts the majority of my face in the lightest parts of the photo and even catches the slight smile and expression on my face. In Photoshop I played around with the opacity and used the pin light setting. I also made my face stretch out across the entire background to create a unified image. To improve my composition I could have played around with the contrast and color a little bit more and taken out the extra sliver of just background on each side.